Linear Motor (line operated AC motors)
Safety :
IEC 62520:2011 Railway applications - Electric traction - Short-primary type linear induction motors (LIM) fed by power converters
EMC : -
Performance :
IEC 60034-2-1 standard on efficiency measurement methods for low voltage AC motors
Local Standard
ABNT NBR 5410:2004 Low-voltage electrical installations
ABNT NBR 15750-1:2012 Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment - Part 1: General
ABNT NBR13184 DE 03/2012 Railway signalization – Electrical power lines and electrical lines for vital sign and not vital – Surge protective devices (SPD)
ABNT NBR15356 DE 01/2016 Variable speed V-belts - Requirements
NOM-003-SCFI-2014 Electrical products - Safety specifications
NOM-001-SCFI-2018 Electronic Devices - Safety Requirements and Test Methods
NOM-016-ENER-2016 Energy efficiency of AC motors, three-phase, induction, squirrel cage type, nominal power of 0.746 kW to 373 kW. Limits, testing method and marking
IRAM 2491-4-13 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 4-13 - Testing and measurement techniques. Low frequency immunity tests on the AC power supply port against harmonics, interharmonics and signaling frequencies transmitted by the electrical network
AS/NZS 60204.1:2016 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements
AS 61800.3-2005 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems, Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
AS 1085.7-2003 Railway track material, Part 7: Spring washers